Architecture Analysis of Climate Models based on Kieker Runtime Data

We are analyzing the architecture of climate and ocean models utilizing runtime monitoring data reflecting call traces. Currently, we are testing our technical approach based on the MITgcm and its set of prepared verification experiments including all tutorial setup.

Today we analyzed two experiments, namely tutorial_barotropic_gyre and tutorial_global_oce_biogeo. For the former, we derived components based on files. For the latter, we derived components based on the package and source code directory structure, namely, each MITgcm package represents one component and the main code block is represented by the BASE component.

Preliminary results can be seen in the following two figures:

File based components

As you can see, the file based components are quite numerous and result in a fast graph. In contrast the, package based component graph looks as follows.

Package based components

In the latter graphic you can see cyclic dependencies between BASE and most components. This might be the result that BASE comprises of all non-package code files. Thus, a better separation in this area might be helpful. Still, the figure is much concise and understandable.

Due to technical issues, we cannot provide operation based images for both cases. There might be an error in the dot renderer.

Experimenting with MITgcm

In our OceanDSL research project, we aim to produce Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) for scientists and technicians to support and ease their work. We learned that through a set of interviews with them that every model uses special self-made tools and methods to configure, build and run models. This makes our effort complicated. Therefore, we need a model which is fairly simple to setup, but covers all typical steps in model setup. We choose MITgcm based on a recommendation of a collaborating scientist.

MITgcm is an earth model including ocean and atmosphere. Before we can use it as a case study in our model user and model developer scenarios, we need to make us familiar with the model.

As a first step, we aimed to play with the examples of the model. Therefore, we created a setup which can run directly on a Linux machine and one to be run in a docker container. We tested both setup with the tutorial examples of MITgcm. Based on the Barotropic Ocean Gyre we created an image of the result of the model run and a video showing intermediate results of the model in an animation.

The single images where generated using Octave (as a free Matlab replacement) and transformed into a video with Mencoder.

Barotropic tutorial model result for an rectangular ocean.
# Adjust the following path

XC=rdmds('XC'); YC=rdmds('YC');
# Select a proper value. The start value is 0

set(gca,'XLim',[0 1200]);
set(gca,'YLim',[0 1200])

The script for the animation looks like this:

# Adjust the following path
XC=rdmds('XC'); YC=rdmds('YC');

# The number of frames depend on your setup
for m = 0:60
  out=["out" num2str(m, "%04d") ".png"];
  # The multiplier depends on your setup

  hf = figure ("visible", "off");
  set(gca,'XLim',[0 1200]);
  set(gca,'YLim',[0 1200]);
  print(hf, out, "-dpng "); 

Finally, the mencoder call looks like this:

mencoder mf://out????.png -mf fps=2:type=png -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=2:trell -oac copy -o output.avi
Animation of the example model.

The setup is available at