I could not get to sleep very well in that German sleeper train, but that was primarily due to my state of excitement (‘going to Paris yeah!’) and in my error regarding open curtains. At home I do not need the curtains to be shut at night to be able to sleep, but in moving houses (alias trains), the changing lights are quite disturbing. In addition the mattress was some plastic something, so it was too warm, but the classical one leg outside the pillow was too cold. And I just realized in the morning that I could have regulated temperature with the temperature regulator above the door. So all in all. The discomfort was primarily my own fault.
In the morning, I got up early. Outside the train, it was raining in strings. I thought by myself, ‘what the heck’. I was just coming from North Germany with sunshine and 25 degrees. And now rain in France. Sigh! So I attended to some morning duties and tried to find my room served breakfast. When I came back, I found another feature in my cabin. A wall socket, where I could recharge my computer.
The room served breakfast comprises of a bread role similar to French bread roles, jam, butter, a poultry spread, orange juice, and of course, coffee. As an (totally unusual) early bird, I also got a small table delivered to my room. Do you get that in business class in an air plane? I guess not.
So now I am sitting on my bed, a lot of French landscape is passing outside the window and while I get better, due to more coffee intake, the weather is clearing up as well. Maybe it had some coffee too. Looks like, it will be a nice day in Paris.
As a typical German, I also have to point out little improvements for the cabin supply of paper. Dear, Deutsche Bahn, thanks for the leaflet to criticize the breakfast service. However, it would have been nice to find a room leaflet. One, stating how the things work in the room and where to find everything. In addition, in former times, there was a cabinet in the cabin I occupied. Nowadays it cannot be opened, because something was build in front of it. This is not really a problem. The real problem is that the door is still labeled with how to open the door. Quite a confusing set of information.